White Papers
Discover how eFax Corporate®’s suite of solutions can help improve your business. Read the business, technical and regulatory cases for cloud faxing, and learn how eFax Corporate can help streamline your workflows and reduce your IT hassles. Learn how cloud faxing can help your business, and what pitfalls to avoid, from our fact sheets.

Digital Documents, Compliance and the Cloud
Learn how to ensure your organisation’s digital document transmissions and storage meet the demands of data privacy regulators.

Outsource Fax to the Cloud: The IT Manager’s Survival Guide
Gain insights into the three primary faxing models for businesses today — and find out which is right for your organisation.

Fax, Unified Communications and the Cloud
Discover the pitfalls in moving your fax process to your orgnisation’s VoIP or other IP network — and discover the smart alternative.
Maximise Your MFPs with Cloud Fax
Learn how simple it is to integrate cloud faxing into your multifunction printers — and how doing so can can add value to those MFPs.
How Internet Faxing Works
Learn how many businesses face a forest of paper faxes and compare the capabilities of traditional faxing with the benefits of cloud faxing.
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